
Lampton News - Week 1

Posted on Sep 1st 2021

Wednesday 1st September 2021

Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to the first update of the new school term. I trust that you have all had a good holiday and are refreshed and ready for the term ahead.

Based on your feedback, we will be continuing with these weekly updates moving forward and ordinarily they will be published on a Monday afternoon. Today, I have a few updates and reminders for you in advance of pupils returning this week.

  1. Thursday 2nd September: Y7 only will be in school. Registration will take place at 8.40am and pupils should go straight to the main hall for 8.30am.

  2. Friday 3rd September: all year groups will be on site. The day begins with Registration at 8.40am and pupils should arrive on site no later than 8.30am.

On the basis of our Covid experience and feedback from staff, pupils and parents the timings of the school day have been amended. Please see below.


All pupils should complete a Lateral Flow Test at home prior to their return. They will have a test on-site beginning with Y7 on Friday 3rd September. Government guidance is that all pupils should continue to test twice weekly at home. More kits will be supplied.

Face coverings: 

These are now no longer required in educational settings. If pupils wish to wear a covering in communal areas or lessons, they may still do so.

Summer School: 

I am very pleased to report that last week’s summer school for our new Y7 was a great success. My thanks to all involved.

New Canteen:

Our new canteen is now in operation! We will give more information about the wider range of food which will now be available for pupils. The facility will make a great difference to the lunchtime experience for our community.

Restricted access to Lampton Avenue:

The access restrictions operating in Lampton Avenue have been resumed and are now permanent. This means that unauthorised vehicles will receive  a penalty charge notice if they enter the School Street zone during the hours of operation. The hours of operation are 8.15am to 9.15am and 2.45pm to 3.45pm. A camera has now been installed at the entrance to Lampton Avenue and unauthorised access fines start at £60. We would encourage all pupils to walk, cycle or use public transport to journey to school.

Thank you for your support and there will be a further update on Monday.

Best wishes,

Stephen Davis


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