Welcome to our Sixth Form

Our ethos is that of a school-based Sixth Form college: while students enjoy extra freedoms and responsibilities, the focus remains on academic achievement. Policies and protocols are designed with this end in mind: to keep students purposeful and engaged in their studies, while allowing some freedom to prepare for life after the Sixth Form.

As an integral part of Lampton School, the policies and protocols of the school apply in the Sixth Form except where explicitly stated. All students will be issued with a Sixth Form handbook on enrolment which contains all policies; students must agree to abide by these policies as a condition of enrolment. The information contained below is a brief summary of key points.

School Day & Term Dates

Sixth Formers should arrive at school at 8.30 ready for registration at 8.40. All students should remain on site until the start of lunchtime, even when no taught lessons are scheduled. If students have no lessons in the afternoon, they may leave school at the start of lunch. The school term follows that of the main school

Study Support

Students will have some periods on their timetables where there are no taught lessons – instead these are designated as “Study Support”. Students will be directed to a supervised private study session where there are both silent study facilities, and access to PCs or laptops. These periods are supervised by staff, to ensure a silent and productive atmosphere prevails.

Pastoral Care

Students are supported by an extensive team of Sixth Form staff – we take pride in knowing each student as an individual and are quick to intervene where we are concerned about student well being or academic achievement.

Each student will be assigned to a form tutor who will take charge of student wellbeing, supported by the Head of Year and Director of Sixth Form. Where more specialist support is required, students may be referred a mentor or in certain circumstances to a counsellor.

Attendance and Punctuality

We aim to encourage all students to develop positive habits in terms of attendance and punctuality – this is an important aspect in exam success and a necessary aspect of preparation for life after the Sixth Form.

We expect all students to meet our attendance target of 97%. This means that ‘days off’ should only be taken where absolutely necessary. Where students have a cold, are feeling ‘run-down’ or ‘under the weather’ they should still attend school to ensure continuity in their studies.  Please see the guidance below for more information Lampton-Sixth-Form-Attendance-Punctuality-Guidance.pdf


A parent or guardian should contact the attendance supervisors – telephone 0208 572 1936 (x291 Year 12 & x290 for Year 13) or email Ms Fernandes (Year 12) sfernandes@lampton.org.uk or Ms Lane (Year 13) rlane@lampton.org.uk with a valid reason for the absence.

If the student has arranged to attend a university open day, masterclass or similar then they should email their Head of Year to request permission to attend with evidence of their attendance (such as email confirmation of booking).

Driving tests, dentists and opticians appointments and other such occasions should be arranged in afternoons where students have no scheduled lessons – authorisation for absence will not be granted.

Term time leave cannot be granted for weddings, holidays, family visits etc. If a student is absent for ten days or longer, then in line with school policy they will be removed from the school roll.


Students’ punctuality is monitored weekly – where students have three or more late marks to morning or afternoon registration they will be issued with community service on Friday at 3.20pm.

Students with poor attendance and punctuality

Where students’ attendance falls below 90% this represents a major cause for concern due to the likely impact on students’ learning. Where this is the case the parent or guardian will be required to attend a formal attendance panel where an attendance contract will be discussed and signed. If attendance falls below 85%, this may lead to withdrawal from examination entries.


Sixth Form students are expected to model outstanding behaviour to students throughout the school at all times – in lessons, around the school and in the local community.

Many students become mentors to younger students to explicitly role model positive behaviour, while other students are employed as Lunchtime Supervisors.

Outstanding behaviour in lessons is key to success in exams and teachers will expect this from all students at all times. This means taking an active part in lessons: asking questions; working collaboratively with other students; engaging in debate and discussion.

The Lampton School behaviour policy applies to all Sixth Form students: where there are transgressions of the policy these will be dealt with according to the procedures and sanctions as explained in the Behaviour Policy.


The library is used extensively by Sixth Form students and represents both an excellent collection of learning materials and a place to conduct private study.

The collection is up-to-date and constantly being expanded with both print and electronic media, including the 6th Form Extended Reading book collection to support students’ applications for university.


To borrow library resources, you only need to tell us your name. If you fail to return a borrowed item, you must respond to our reminder letters immediately. If you lose or damage a borrowed item, you are responsible for paying for a replacement copy.


Sixth Form students may use the available computers for private study, except at break time and lunchtime when they are reserved for students in Years 7-11.

Mock Examinations

All students will sit ‘mock’ during the course of each academic year. These are a key staging post for students to prepare for the challenge of the final official examinations at the end of Y13. Students who do not achieve within two grades of their target grades will be targeted for extra support following the examinations; students will then retake their mock exam to demonstrate that progress is being made.

Public Examinations

All students will be entered for May and June examinations in Year 13 (note provisions on attendance, progress in mock examinations and coursework completion). Prior to the examinations, students will receive a Statement of Entry from the Examinations Officer: students must liaise with the Examinations Officer and their subject teacher to ensure that they are entered for the right examinations.

Special Consideration

Where students fear that their performance in examinations has been adversely affected by a circumstance outside of their control they may apply for special consideration (link to http://www.jcq.org.uk/faqs/special-consideration). In the first instance, students should inform their Head of Year of any circumstances that may affect performance in the examination (no later than the date of their examination). The Head of Year will liaise with the Examinations Officer to apply for special consideration.


In some subjects students will need to complete coursework as a routine method of assessment. Teachers will set internal coursework deadline dates, and these are non-negotiable. Failure to complete coursework by the deadline may lead to a 0 mark being awarded, and consequently the entry for the subject being withdrawn.


General Documents Date  
GDPR Recruitment Privacy Notice 2023 24 16th Jan 2024 Download
Terms of Reference for Outcomes Committee 06th Feb 2024 Download
Terms of Reference for Audit Committee 06th Feb 2024 Download
Childrens Mental Health Week 2024 secondary 05th Feb 2024 Download
English Advert Mat Cover 2024 16th Jan 2024 Download
Applicant letter 2 16th Jan 2024 Download
Application Form 2023 24 1 16th Jan 2024 Download
Code of Conduct for Employees Sept 2023.DOCX.docx 3 16th Jan 2024 Download
Equal Opportunties Form 2023 24 16th Jan 2024 Download
Terms of Reference for Pay Committee 06th Feb 2024 Download
Lampton School Values and Visions 2023 24 1 16th Jan 2024 Download
Parent Trustee Job Description 2024 15th Jan 2024 Download
Parent Trustee Vacancy Letter Jan 2024 15th Jan 2024 Download
National Obesity Awareness Week 15th Jan 2024 Download
Staff list January 2024 09th Jan 2024 Download
Childhood Imms Secondary letter Summer 2023 Parents 07th Jul 2023 Download
Strike Action Letter to Parents 05.07.23 07.07.23 04th Jul 2023 Download
Seema Malhotra MP Cost of Living Support Booklet v2.01 02nd Mar 2023 Download
Year 8 Science curriculum map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Ofsted inspection report 2024 18th Jun 2024 Download
Ofsted Report 2024 Letter 18.06.24 18th Jun 2024 Download
Staff list May 2024 2 09th May 2024 Download
Nut free 18th Apr 2024 Download
Allergy Awareness Week 18th Apr 2024 Download
Year 12 Biology Curriculum Map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Year 13 Biology Curriculum Map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Year 7 Science curriculum map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Relationships Sex Education and Physical Health Policy Jan 2023 24th Jan 2023 Download
Currciculum Intent 23 24 v2 10th Apr 2024 Download
Year 13 Physics curriculum map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Year 12 Physics curriculum map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
GCSE combined Science curriculum map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Year 12 Chemistry Curriculum Map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Year 13 Chemistry Curriculum Map 2023 24 10th Apr 2024 Download
Terms of reference for the Admissions committee 06th Feb 2024 Download
Terms of reference for Risk Resources Audit committee 06th Feb 2024 Download
Guidance for parents & carers on mental health 27th Jun 2019 Download
Consent form parents 06th Dec 2019 Download
Consent form parents 06th Dec 2019 Download
Newsletter 18.10 29th Oct 2019 Download
JCQ Social Media 30th Sep 2019 Download
Information for candidates written exams 2019 2020 30th Sep 2019 Download
Information for candidates Privacy Notice 2019 2020 30th Sep 2019 Download
Information for candidates onscreen tests 2019 2020 30th Sep 2019 Download
Knife crime letter.pdf 02nd Jul 2019 Download
Options Evening Presentation 2020 03rd Feb 2020 Download
Lampton School SEND Information Report 19 20 27th Jun 2019 Download
A level Maths letter to parents from Pearson June 2019 20th Jun 2019 Download
Lettings brochure 21st Mar 2019 Download
Lettings Brochure 21st Mar 2019 Download
Social Media 2018 9 18th Mar 2019 Download
Information for candidates written exams 1 18th Mar 2019 Download
Information for candidates Privacy Notice 1 18th Mar 2019 Download
Information for candidates onscreen tests 18th Mar 2019 Download
Information for candidates Coursework Assessments 2021 v4 11th Aug 2021 Download
Provider Access Policy Jan 2023 24th Jan 2023 Download
Change to the school consultation 06th Jan 2023 Download
Newsletter 2022V2 13th Oct 2022 Download
School Hire Agreement Mar 2022 19th Apr 2022 Download
SchoolHire TCs 09th Mar 2022 Download
Information for candidates Written Examinations 2021 v5 11th Aug 2021 Download
Information for candidates Social Media 11th Aug 2021 Download
Information for candidates On Screen Examinations 2021 v3 11th Aug 2021 Download
Timetable for students 15th Mar 2019 Download
Information for candidates Non examination assessments 2021 v4 11th Aug 2021 Download
Remote Education Provision 18th Dec 2020 Download
Guide to logging into parents' evening software 13th Nov 2020 Download
Parent Guide Logging into online parents evening software 06th Nov 2020 Download
Autumn 2020 Exam fees GCSE 19th Aug 2020 Download
Appealing arrangements for Grades 2020 18th Aug 2020 Download
Requests for information CAGs and Rankings 12th Aug 2020 Download
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