Leadership Team & Key Contacts

Senior Leadership Team


Name Position Responsibilities Contact
Mr Stephen Davis Headteacher & Executive Director of SCITT Strategic Leadership and Vision, Finance, HR, Recruitment, Marketing, Governance, Executive Director of LWA & SCITT (Co-DSL)

Via P.A. Ms Rina Sehgal

Mr Mike Bates Deputy Headteacher

Achievement, Behaviour & Culture

  Designated Safeguarding Lead, Interim Designated Teacher for Looked after Children
Dr Lynne Isham Deputy Headteacher Curriculum, Pedagogy, Leadership of SCITT
Mr Alex Leggett Deputy Headteacher

Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting, Feedback, ICT, Data Protection

Ms Ashmi Kapila Assistant Headteacher Behaviour
Ms Lisa Kapoor Assistant Headteacher Timetable, KS4 Options
Ms Marie-Anne Leregle Assistant Headteacher London West Alliance
Mr Johnnie Pavey Assistant Headteacher Continuing Professional Learning, Appraisal
Mrs Kate Vowles Assistant Headteacher Director of Sixth Form
Mr Henry Lane Chief Administrative Officer Administration, School Environment, Catering, Staff Wellbeing
Mr Tom Smale  Associate SLT Senior Head of Year, Educational Visits Coordinator (EVC), Progress of Disadvantaged Students, Careers
Mr Richard Iglikowski-Broad Associate SLT    
Mr Ryan Mullally Associate SLT    


Subject Leaders


Subject Name Contact
Business Studies Mrs R Gill rgill@lampton.org.uk
Art & Design Ms M Ahsan-Shah mshah@lampton.org.uk
Computing Mr P Crossman pcrossman@lampton.org.uk
English Mr R Iglikowski-Broad rbroad@lampton.org.uk
English as an Additional Language Mrs P Bridge pbridge@lampton.org.uk
Film Studies Ms C Ford cford@lampton.org.uk
Geography Mr E Jolly ejolly@lampton.org.uk
History Mr S Clavin sclavin@lampton.org.uk
Maths c/o Mr A Timmins atimmins@lampton.org.uk
Modern Foreign Languages Mr H Quintana hquintana@lampton.org.uk
Performing Arts Mrs C Mercuri cmercuri@lampton.org.uk
Personal, Social and Health Education Mr S McNamara smcnamara@lampton.org.uk
Physical Education Ms L Newman lnewman@lampton.org.uk
Politics Mr N Dhesi ndhesi@lampton.org.uk
Psychology Mr J Ramgi jramgi@lampton.org.uk
Religious Studies Ms M Mirams mmirams@lampton.org.uk
Science Mr R Mullally rmullally@lampton.org.uk
SENDCo Ms F Hasan fhasan@lampton.org.uk
Sociology Ms T Anderson tanderson@lampton.org.uk


Pastoral Leaders


Year Group Name Contact
7 Ms C Grantham cgrantham@lampton.org.uk
8 Mr K Bugembe kbugembe@lampton.org.uk
9 Ms U Ali uali@lampton.org.uk
10 Mr K Majithia kmajithia@lampton.org.uk
11 Mr K Virdi kvirdi@lampton.org.uk
12 and 13 Ms E Cowing ecowing@lampton.org.uk

Please see the Headteacher's Welcome page for a full staff list.

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