
Year 7

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5

Topic 6

Main Enquiry Question

What does Geography tell me about my local area?

What are the causes and impacts of Urban Growth ?

Should Brazil be allowed to destroy all of its rainforest?

Is the world we live in today fair?

How do coastal processes shape the landforms we see along coastlines?

What are the impacts of visiting Amazing places?

Sub Enquiry Questions

  1. What is the human and physical geography of my local area- Hounslow and London?


  1. How do I use the 5 W’s of enquiry to help me learn about people and places?


  1. How do I use different maps to help me develop my understanding of my local area ?


  1. What fieldwork skills do Geographers use to help me understand my local area?





  1. What is a Rural and Urban area?


  1. Why do people move from rural areas to urban areas?


  1. What is a megacity and where are they?


  1. What are the impacts of urban growth on LICs[ Rio]?


  1. What are the impacts of urban growth on HICs [London]?


  1. What can be done to improve a city?



  1. What is a Biome and why are they located where they are?


  1. Why are rainforests  located where they are?


  1. What are Rainforests like?


  1. What is the climate like?


  1. How do plant and animal survive there?


  1. What is deforestation and what are its causes? 


  1. What are the impacts of deforestation?

  2. How can deforestation be reduced?
  1. What is development and how can it be measured?


  1. How does access to water affect people in Africa?


  1. How does access to healthcare affect people in Africa ?


  1. How does access to education affect people in Africa ?



  1. How can we make the world fairer?
  1. What is a coast and what are the major features?


  1. How does erosion, weathering and transportation shape our coastline? 


  1. What is hard and soft engineering?


  1. Who is affected by coastal change?



  1. What makes places geographically unique


  1. What are the wonders of the world and where are they?


  1. What are national parks and what makes them amazing?


  1. Should we visit Machu Pichu?


  1. Should we visit Mt Everest?


  1. Should we go on Safari?

Geographical skills

Atlas Skills- types of map and finding places

OS Map Skills- Symbols and grid references


Basic Enquiry techniques using 5 W’s

OS Map Skills- symbols and 6 figure grid references

Written comparison

GIS- how urban areas look from above


Atlas skills- location of rainforest

GIS- extent of deforestation

Basic analysis of impacts of deforestation

GIS to view analyse and interpret data and places

Written description and comparison

OS Map- 4 and 6 figure grid references and contour lines

Fieldwork- collect, analyse and draw conclusions of Geographical data


OS Map skills- national parks in the UK

Atlas Work- location of amazing places

GIS- arial views of amazing places

Enquiry- 5’s

Basic analysis and evaluation



Introduction to:




Place: Similarity and difference in place features and processes

Place/Scale: Global sense of place

Diversity/ Environment: Human environments and natural ecosystems modified by human actions

Earth Systems: Diversity in the earth and natural world

Environment/Scale:  Changing environments and human impacts at all scales from individual to global

Place: Similarity and difference in place features and processes

Place/ Diversity: Understanding different cultures

Place/Scale: Global sense of place

Environment/ Diversity: Natural ecosystems modified by human actions

Earth systems/Interconnection: Feedback processes affecting natural landforms and phenomena

Place/ Scale: Places at individual, personal, regional, national and international scale

Place/ Diversity: Similarity and difference in place features and processes + understanding different cultures

Environment/ Diversity: natural environments modified by human actions









Year 8

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5

Topic 6

Main Enquiry Question

How does level of development make tectonic hazard’s worse?

Why is climate change a global issue?

What challenges does Russia face?

To what extent is climate change the biggest factor in Wildfire frequency and severity

How do rivers influence the physical landscapes of the UK?

What happens if the Middle East runs out of Oil?

Sub Enquiry Questions

  1. What are the key components of the Rock Cycle?

  2. When does a natural hazard become a disaster?


  1. How does plate tectonic theory help our understanding of tectonic events?


  1. What are the impacts of tectonic events?


  1. To what extent can mitigation and adaption mean we can live with Earthquake?


  1. How does the UK source its energy and why does this matter?


  1. How can the UK be more sustainable in its energy usage?


  1. What is the link between energy use and climate change?


  1. What are the impacts of climate change?


  1. With reference to energy in China to what extent can humans slow the rise in Global Temperature? 


  1. What is the Human and Physical geography of Russia?


  1. What are the social challenges facing Russia?


  1. What are the economic challenges facing Russia?


  1. What are the environmental challenges facing Russia?


  1. How is climate change affecting people and place in Russia?


  1. How do we identify and classify the different types of hazardous events?


  1. What are wildfires and how do they start?


  1. Where are wildfires more common and why?


  1. What are the impacts of wildfires on people, places and the environment?


  1. How can humans appropriately respond to Wildfires?


  1. To what extent is climate change or El Nino affecting the prevalence of wildfires?


  1. What are the main parts of a river?


  1. How does Erosion, Deposition and transportation dictate what landforms are created?


  1. What are the physical and human causes of flooding?


  1. How can humans mitigate and adapt to river flooding events?



  1. What is the human and physical geography of the Middle East?


  1. How does level of development vary across the middle east?


  1. What are the causes, impacts and responses to water scarcity in the region?


  1. What are the impacts of desalinisation?


  1. How can countries diversify their economies to reduce their reliance on oil?  

Geographical skills



Analysis of link between hazards and development

GIS- geographical location

Enquiry – use of 5’s to generate questions

OS Map- location of power in the UK
GIS- arial analysis and interpretation

Detailed description and explanation

Atlas skills- mapping resource location linked to climate in Russia

Description and analysis of challenges


GIS- Arial extent of impacts of wildfires

Analysis and evaluation of impacts and responses to wildfires- building on level of development theme at start of Year 8

OS Map- 4 and 6 figure grid references and contour lines

Fieldwork- collect, analyse and draw conclusions of Geographical data

Comparison- impacts of coastal and fluvial places on people and places


Atlas: link between physical and human maps to show patterns of urbanisation

Analysis and evaluation: level of development and how this affects water security


Earth systems

Place Processes

Earth systems/ diversity: adaptions and modifications

Place/ Diversity – similarity and difference in place features and processes 

E/ T: Pace of



- accelerating/


- recognising the


E/S:  Changing environments and human impacts at all scales, from individual to global

P/D:  Similarity and difference in place features and processes Understanding different cultures

P/T:  Stability and continuity in place Changing places and place processes Place and changing identities

E/D:  Human environments and natural ecosystems modified by human actions Shared and varied responses and commitments to environmental responsibilities

S/I:  Geopolitics

E/I:  Human dependence on a changing planet characterised by significant environmental change

E/S:  Changing environments and human impacts at all scales, from individual to global

S/I:  Spatial patterns as random events, or as the product of interconnections and contingent variables

Environment/ Diversity: Natural ecosystems modified by human actions

Earth systems/Interconnection: Feedback processes affecting natural landforms and phenomena

E/D:  Similarity in Earth processes

S/I:  Geopolitics

P/I:  Sites of conflicting narratives of power negotiations

P/T:  Stability and continuity in place

ES/ I:  Impact of technologies

E/T:  Pace of environmental change - accelerating/ declining






Year 9

Topic 1

Topic 2

Topic 3

Topic 4

Topic 5

Main Enquiry Question

How and why does Globalisation affect me?

To what extent do local events in Antarctica have global consequences? 

How can we make sure future food supplies are more sustainable?

To what extent is plastic the biggest threat to our oceans ?

Synoptic Element

Sub Enquiry Questions

  1. What is globalisation and what factors affect it?


  1. What is a TNC and what are their features?


  1. How are the operations of Apple + Mc Donalds helping people, places and the environment?


  1. What are the impacts of the globalisation of sport?


  1. What are the impacts of fast fashion?


  1. What are the features of a glacier and how do they change landscapes?


  1. How is melting ice affecting our wildlife?


  1. Why do people want to visit cold environments?



  1. What are the impacts of tourism in Antarctica?


  1. How can global governance mitigate the effects of human activity in Antarctica?



  1. What are the global patterns of food and water consumption?


  1. Why does the UK import so much of its food and what are the impacts of this?


  1. What are the impacts of Drought?


  1. What does the future hold?





  1. What is the difference between an Ocean and Sea? 


  1. Why are oceans important ecosystems and why are they fragile?


  1. Why are oceans currents important?


  1. Using the Great Pacific Garbage patch as an example, what are the impacts of  plastics on our oceans?


  1. What are the impacts of overfishing?


  1. What is the importance of Ocean vegetation?





Geographical skills

Geographical Analysis and Evaluation

Atlas- utilisation of flow diagrams to show global patterns

OS Maps- all skills- glaciated areas

GIS- arial extent of glacial retreat

Geographical Enquiry


Atlas- utilisation of flow diagrams to show global patterns of consumption

Geographical Enquiry and analysis

Making synoptic links between oceans and other topics in the unit

Analysis of different statistical and numerical data




Place and Changing identities

Global sense of place

Scale as Dynamic dimension

Representation in cultural life

Impact of technologies

Interactions and flows

E/I:  Approaches to environmental issues and differing interpretations of sustainable development 

E/T:  Pace of environmental change – accelerating

E/I:  Approaches to environmental issues and differing interpretations of sustainable development

ES/I:  Connections and interdependence in Earth processes and consequent developments

P/I:  Places as individual and random; places as relational Focus on interactions and flows

S/I: Spatial patterns as random events, or as the product of interconnections and contingent variables

ES/I:  Technical management solutions vs natural change

E/I:  Approaches to environmental issues and differing interpretations of sustainable development

ES/ T:  System equilibrium, system change and tipping points

E/I:  Human dependence on a changing planet characterised by significant environmental change

E/I:  Approaches to environmental issues and differing interpretations of sustainable development












Paper 1 Section A: Natural Hazards (GCSE)

Paper 2: Section A: Urban Issues and Challenges

Paper 2: Section B:The Living World

Paper 2: Section B: The Living World

Paper 2: Section C: Coastal Landscapes

Paper 2: Section C: Rivers


Paper2: Section B: Changing Economic World

Paper2: Section B: Changing Economic World

Paper2: Section C: Resource Management





Natural Hazards/ Changing Places/

Hot Deserts

Natural Hazards/ Changing Places/ Hot Deserts

Natural Hazards/ Changing Places/

Hot Deserts

Natural Hazards/ Changing Places/ Hot Deserts

Global Governance/

Population and the Environment/ Water and Carbon

NEA Investigation/


Global Governance/

Population and the Environment/ Water and Carbon

Global Governance/

Population and the Environment/ Water and Carbon

Global Governance/

Population and the Environment/ Water and Carbon

Content Consolidationand revision

Exam Technique and Preparation


GCSE exam board & specification: AQA
Textbook(s): GCSE Geography AQA Student Book (Oxford University Press

A level exam board & specification: AQA
Textbook(s): A/AS Level Geography for AQA Student Book (Cambridge University Press)

How to help your child:
1. Ensure students complete past examination papers and questions.

2. Ensure key terms, knowledge and skills are being revised and revisited.

3. Encourage the use of the Sparx Maths and other websites to learn independently.

For further information, contact:


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