
Lampton School - Week 8

Posted on Oct 31st 2022


Monday 31st October


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the eighth week of the Autumn Term 2022. It’s Week A with our whole school assemblies celebrating Diwali. Our character focus for this fortnight is ‘motivation’ - a very apt theme as we begin this new half-term. Y11 have started their all important PPEs today and we wish them every success and they rise to the challenge. For the rest of the school, we focus on our relentless routines which promote success: being on time to school and to lessons; achieving at least 95% attendance; wearing our Lampton uniform correctly; following the 5 Golden Rule of presentation and making sure that we are ready, respectful and safe at all times. Please see the link to our uniform page below - paying attention to jewellery which is permitted in school.

I am very proud and pleased to report that our progress data for last summer’s GCSE results was confirmed on Thursday 20th October as being significantly above the national average at +0.94. This was also significantly better than other local schools - a massive shout out to last year’s Y11 cohort, their families and Lampton staff who worked so hard to achieve this great accolade.

We finished the half-term off with our ‘You can do’ careers day for Y11 which was a great success. This involved people from different careers visiting the school and meeting groups of students on rotation - many of our visitors were Old Lamptonians and it was great to see how successful they have become.

As the clocks have now changed, it will be getting darker very close to the end of the school day. Please reinforce to your child/children the importance of getting home safely in the dark - especially road safety and not congregating in the High Street, local shops or Lampton Park.

With best wishes for the week ahead.

 Stephen Davis


School uniform

Our Lampton values of excellence, respect and integrity underpin all that we do and this includes the importance we place on school uniform. Uniform must be worn correctly at all times in school and on the way to and from school. The link below is a reminder of our expectations - in particular please note the expectations with regard to jewellery. Items which contravene our policy will be confiscated and placed in Student Services.


Parent Trustee Vacancies

Please also see this link for more information regarding vacancies for two Parent Trustees. The link gives further information and the deadline for nominations is Monday 14th November. If you wish to know more about this opportunity please contact my PA, Mrs Sehgal, ( and she can arrange a time for us to have a conversation.


Safeguarding briefing

When growing up, it is not uncommon for children to use stereotypes to try to make sense of differences between people - perhaps because of race, religion, sexuality or any other protected characteristic. However, we know that the use of stereotypes can be highly damaging, as people may feel judged unfairly, and as a consequence experience prejudice, discrimination and mental anguish. It's important to note that as a public sector body, we have a duty to promote equality - and so we should challenge stereotypes where we see or them. If you are worried about the impact of any form of prejudice or discrimination on a child, please report via MyConcern. We will arrange support for the child. This guide from Childline provides some useful information on how we can support children facing bullying:




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