
Lampton School - Week 18

Posted on Jan 23rd 2023


Monday 23rd January


Dear Parents, Carers and Students,

Welcome to our newsletter for the fourth week of the Spring Term 2023. It’s Week B, so year assemblies are taking place. Our character theme for the next two weeks is also one of our school’s core values - integrity. As the author C. S. Lewis said - ‘Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.’

Last week, we saw a packed school hall as Y9 began the journey of choosing their GCSE options - it was fantastic to see so many families there. A reminder that there is a dedicated page on the website offering support and information about this important process.

Also, last week all of our Y10 students had the opportunity to develop their public speaking skills as part of the Jack Petchy ‘Speak Out’ challenge, while some of Y9 began their Brilliant Club programme with a visit to St Catherine’s College at Oxford University. Y13 PPEs have finished and UCAS applications have been completed - so a very busy time all round for our Lampton community!

This week sees the Y10 Progress Evening online, with Y13 on the horizon on 9th February.

As I am sure you are aware, the National Education Union has ballotted its members for strike action. Teaching members of this union have voted in favour of striking and this will go ahead on 1st February, 2nd March, 15th March and 16th March. The strike is against the government and its lack of funding for schools. Please see a very important letter below from Ms Woolman, our Chair of Trustees, which outlines how we will manage this situation at Lampton. Thank you in advance for your support and understanding at this challenging time for our national education system.

Strike Action Letter

With best wishes for the week ahead,

Stephen Davis


Safeguarding Briefing: Anxiety

Did you know that our biggest referral character in Lampton is for anxiety? Anxiety is both a normal part of life, and something that can sometimes become all-consuming and debilitating. This is especially for children and young people, who may struggle to understand why they feel as they do. This guide from the NHS offers some practical insight into how we might talk about anxiety:

It is often helpful to talk to young people about how anxiety is routine, and to be expected, in the same way we may talk about 'productive stress'. However, if a young person reports that anxiety gets in the way of everyday life, then at this point it is advised to make an appointment with the GP for further support. The Safeguarding team can also signpost support, please do get in touch


Attendance and Punctuality 

All students are expected to be in school by 8.30am so that they are in tutor time by 8:40am. Students arriving between 8:40am - 9:10am will be marked as late and this is followed up by our internal late sanctions. However, students arriving after 9:10am are recorded as absent until they arrive on site. This is regarded as an unauthorised absence unless we have been notified by the parent/carer on As it is an unauthorised absence, this follow up becomes a part of our attendance procedures and an arrival after 9:10am will lower your child’s attendance figure. Poor attendance to school can result in a referral to the Educational Welfare Service and may result in parent/carer penalty fines. 

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